Okaay, for those who have never met me..this is pretty much what I look like, this caricature I've posted here: Long,luscious,skinny locks/ full,thick, child-bearing thighs and a smile usually plastered across my face....yep, that's me. I wrote the poem as a tribute to the champion of plus-sized women everywhere ,comedian Mo'Nique. I auditioned for her reality TV show on Oxygen called Mo'Nique's FAT CHANCE
and I actually made it to the finals BUT alas, I didn't make it to Paris( where the show took place..Quel Domage, Zut Alors!)I also learned that reality TV shows are ALL about creating a cast of characters. ;-)
So when I heard local poet L. Monique (the poet above) read her poem a few weeks ago, I thought this would be the perfect answer poem! It seemed to me like a really cute idea to draw us both as cartoons and post the poems as though it was a "call & response", sooooo here's MY response.....
"Fabulous And Thick"......
By Lena "The Art Diva"
Mad props to Mo'Nique
for uplifting the FAT physique
and shining the spotlight on it…
Shout-outs to BIG girls with those curves that rock worlds
and that sassy way you flaunt it….
Much love and much hugs to big-ballers,
shot-callers, and thugs, cuz’ if it ain’t thick, they don’t want it!
Listen up ladies cuz’ here’s the bottom line---->
This ain’t nuthin’ new, Big sistahs have ALWAYS been fine!
Time after time through the ages/ just check the history pages/
from Queen Latifah to Queen Sheba....we always shined on center stages!
Since the beginning of civilization, back on the mother continent.
WE were the inspiration for pyramids, palaces and magnificent monuments.
Kings conquered whole armies just to bask in our voluptuous glory.
If anyone tells you different ..Honey, they don’t know the WHOLE story!
A thick sistah’ inspired European fashion just by the size and shape of her booty.
So after all this while, we’re FINALLY in style?
Puh-leaze Chile! Thick beauty ain’t nuthin’ new to me!
WE were PHAT….before Kimmora Lee’s designs, she just added the ‘baby’.
WE were BOOTYLICIOUS ..before Jay-Z’s love had Beyonce’ goin’ so crazy!
WE were CURVY…back when J-Lo was just plain ole’ “Jenny From The block”
But now the fashion shot callers/ want OUR hard-earned phat dollars/ to drop into THEIR shops, cuz they now have our sizes in stock! ( Yeahhhh, catch a rock!)
So to the mainstream media now that we finally have your attention...
Big girls are creatin’ mass hysteria/ in all the influential areas/
just give me a minute to mention…
that Hollywood had better recognize that the phat dollar goes a long way!
We want our beauty queens up on that silver screen and we have the means to pay!
Mo’Nique is raking and making major dough/ from “The Parkers”, to “Phat Girlz” to “Hair Show”/ proving to the haters what some men already know:
“Once you go thick…Ya’ Just Want Some Mo’!
Hollywood told Mo’Nique she’d never pull in the Benjamin's: without playing the FAT momma, the FAT neighbor or the FAT friend.
She never quit, just flipped the script plus played the leading lady in the end!
She proved the need for big girl leads is a proven point and valid!
I betcha’ that skinny agent that slept on Mo’Nique is ch-ch-choking on her salad!
Now, this poem ain’t about skinny chick hating/ I’m just plus-sized celebrating’ Cuz’ it’s time out for the thick chick dissin’, disregarding and degrading!
Cuz’ there is a certain fallacy/ you know a false reality/ that thick chicks are lonely, desperate and depressed.
Like everyone else we’re strivin’/workin’ from nine to five then/ tryin’ to just get by in/ and somehow survive in/ this society that is so image obsessed !
Please believe that not only skinny women get all the guys/mesmerize all the eyes/ hear all the ‘How you doin’ shorty’s”, “Hello baby’s” and the “Hi’s”
Now, this should come as no surprise: But thick-chicks don’t have to compromise/ settle for less or some playa’s lies/ don’t have to apologize/ for the circumference of our thighs/ and especially what lies inside….
So I say to my fellow "Sistah' Big Bones": ALWAYS have pride in whatever you do. It’s the measure of your actions NOT your size that defines you!
And to ALL my sistahs:
Black or White…..Skinny or Thick. There are enough opportunities & love for us all just ‘strut yo’ stuff’
and take your pick!
All rights reserved (C)2005
Lena 'The Art Diva'
Snap Snap! That's right!
ReplyDeleteLOL! Thank you! (humbly bowing)